The Law of Attraction & Manifestation – Beginners
Three different length programs designed to help you
close the gap between where you are today and where
you desire to be in life and in business.
Three programs to choose from:
5 Weeks
If you want to find out how the Law of Attraction works in relation to you and your life, this program is designed so that you can immediately begin to create and manifest your desires!
8 Weeks
If you want to dive deeper, this program is designed for you to gain more control over what is going on around you and learn how to manifest faster and with more ease!
12 Weeks
If you are ready for an expansive and transformational experience, where you can create an incredible shift in every area of your life, then this supportive program is designed for you!
What's included:
5 x 60 minute coaching sessions
(1-2-1 with Mikki)
Law of Attraction foundation processes and techniques.
Techniques to help you understand how your individual thought processes work and how to create the life you want.
Guides on retraining your subconscious mind to change old negative patterns, habits and beliefs.
Full support on Whatsapp and email in between each session and for 2 weeks after the course has finished.
What's included:
8 x 60 minute coaching sessions
(1-2-1 with Mikki)
Everything offered in the 5 week course PLUS:
Using momentum to help you fast track your desires.
Guides on affirmations, visualisation techniques and intention statements.
Personalised daily routine and self care rituals.
Full support on Whatsapp and email in between each session and for 2 weeks after the course has finished.
What's included:
12 x 60 minute coaching sessions
(1-2-1 with Mikki)
Everything offered in the 8 week course PLUS:
Techniques on how to create an abundance mindset, with tools to manifest and achieve your desires in every area of your life that is important to you, including:
Career / Relationships / Health and Finances.
Full support on Whatsapp and email in between each session and for 2 weeks after the course has finished.